18 October 2012

Slide Night at our House

I know that no-one else's holiday photos are interesting to anyone else.  I know this.  But please just humour me here for a moment longer, just a moment?  At least I'm not inviting you over for a slide night at our house to go through the 843 photos I took!!

One day we ventured out with "major walk" on our minds.  We were going to be sensible and decide to turn around and go back to the start if any one of us was tired or just didn't want to go on.  At that point - the starting point - I had no idea that I was going to be walking for the next five hours.  Walking under brilliant blue skies, through rainforests, up rock faces and even into the snow.  This was One Big Adventurous Day!!

Here is the starting point, cleverly disguised as a straight path, without a hint of steepness attached to it.  I suppose those mountains in the background should have warned me.

I was going to say we saw lots of native wildlife, but in fact we saw lots of evidence of native wildlife, but I think the cutest thing was seeing this wombat on his way to Wombat Pool.  Well, where else would a wombat be heading on a fine Spring day?

On we went.  This free-loader [a Currawong] was after our morning snacks.

It's good being the photographer.  You can stop any number of times on the pretext of taking photos, when what you're really doing is catching your breath.  Gorgeous views.  We had walked around these lakes on other days;  now we were seeing them from above.

This is the part where chain handrails made their entrance into what was fast becoming a very challenging hike to the top.  Have I ever mentioned I'm scared of heights?  Or that I have been known, under similar circumstances, to freeze up?  It was later described as the highlight of the trip for the girls - the climbing of the rock face.

A personal favourite.  My rehab man, probably doing it easier than me, truth be known.  By the way, there will be no photos of me, red-faced and puffing and panting.  I'm safely tucked away behind the camera.

Not too many more now.  Thanks for hanging in there!!  A view from the top, and then one from the base again.  Cradle Mountain, Tasmania.  Beautiful corner of the world.

Now the post-holiday reality has set in, and I'm off to do the piles of washing that are somewhat reminiscent of the above peaks!
Seeya tomorrow in Blogtoberfest-land.


  1. Wow, what stunning views Trudy, well worth the 5 hour trek, thank you for sharing those amazing photos with us. Your currawong looks a lot like the crow sitting on the fence in my garden - the same hopeful and expectant expression!
    BTW thanks for all your lovely comments - good to have you back!

  2. It looks fantastic, I've just filled my lungs with fresh mountain air! Ada :)

  3. Oh wow,,what great photos Trudy....love the picture of a passing wombat out for an afternoon stroll...so cute..are they though?.....i have no idea, for all i know wombats might eat people!! anyway, he still looks cute, even if does eat people!x looks like you had a wonderful time, lots of open air and wildlife....brilliant. x

  4. Looks great but that rocky climb looked a bit high and scary for me! Glad to see your man is doing well, Heather x

  5. Oh, wow, what a view! Thanks for sharing, it looks stunning. But that rock path with the chain handrail...yikes!


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