16 May 2013

Autumn Days

The days of May are rollicking by at a steady pace, heading straight for Winter.  We're still getting beautiful blue skies, but with chilly winds that go right through to your bones there's no mistaking what month we're in.  I was even seen out and about today wearing a very silly hat rather than risk getting a cold head.  But I absolutely adore this time of year.  Definitely my favourite.  I love watching the leaves change colour and fall to the ground.  And I'm getting into preparation mode for Winter, collecting acorns.

Desperate for some flowers in the house I went searching in the garden and was delighted to find a single magnolia and a couple of branches of crepe myrtle (slim pickin's at this house).  Even so, I thought I could do something with them ... you know, plonk them in a vase with a little bit of water and a whole heap of hope for a lovely arrangement!

And you know what?  It worked.  I'm loving that simple little Autumn arrangement.
With this chilly weather comes my love of working with wool, so an unfinished scarf from last year is almost done, and I'll share a picture with you soon, right after I've deleted it off my list of unfinished projects on my sidebar.  And what a perfectly good time of year to finish a woolly scarf when it will get lots of use.

Hubby and I played truant today and went to a midday session of "Great Expectations".  It always seems so decadent to go to the movies during the day when everyone else is at work!!  Helena Bonham Carter was perfect as the jilted Miss Haversham.  She took jilted to a whole new level.  Very impressive.
Now it's raining and getting dark, time to close the curtains, put some heat on and get into my snuggly-warm dressing gown and hunker down for the night.

Hope you've had a happy Thursday.


  1. I still can't get my head around the fact that your May is Autumn and to me it's Spring! Keep warm and cosy! :) x

  2. Hey Trudy, I like your flower arrangement, might have to do something architectural like that myself, there's not a lot of colour out in my garden at the mo, the cold weather has certainly kicked in here too, I'm sitting next to the fire as I write! Stay warm and nice to visit here again! Julie x

  3. We're heading into summer and I so wish we were heading into autumn. Enjoyed your post so much.

  4. I am with you...perfect time of the year...we are bracing for storms for the next few days....heat is on and slippers are out. xx

  5. how lovely to go to the theater, such a treat! I do like your broom, Heather x

  6. Well it's so cold here it might as well be autumn! I love your magnolia display. My magnolia tree is just starting to show the very first blooms. x


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