16 February 2012

On the Subject of Brooches

Am I the last person to know about Brooch Bouquets?

Before today I'd never heard of them, why has nobody told me about them?!!  In looking for images online for broochiness I found 705,000 images of Brooch Bouquets!!  That's a lot of people (other than me) who knew all about the business of bouquet making from nanna's brooches.  Apparently brides today who are looking for a bit of quirky individuality are choosing these bouquets over fresh flowers.

What a fabulous idea.  How stunning are these?  You want to look up close at a couple of them?

Found these images on Reverie, Wedding Talk, Alice Hu and Brooch Bouquets.  What sensational eye-candy.  Makes me want to get married all over again!!

Or at least have my very own bouquet of vintage brooches.  Uh-oh I feel another collection coming on.  So tell me, had you heard of brooch bouquets?!

Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. I had but only recently (last year, actually might have been year before) via this blog http://thehouseofwhimsy.blogspot.com/2010/07/want-to-see-something-super-fun.html I then started hunting out brooches so I could have a go at making one, but I couldn't find many of the bright coloured ones - I still keep an eye out now though, just in case! I love them lots and think it would be nice to have one!!


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